How frequent tics are and what to expect when it comes to their natural course?

Tics are an omnipresent occurrence – when it comes to tics, the kids in the UK, Czech Republic or Serbia are no different – in other words, tics occur in children all over the world.

Typically starting in pre-school/early schoolchildren, tics are 3-4 more likely to occur in boys.

Tics have individual course – it means that, like in everything else, every child is unique.

Generally, tics have a good prognosis: data show that in up to 80% of children in whom the tics started before 10 years of age there is a significant reduction during adolescence .

Even if they persist into the adult age, in majority of people the perceived impairment from tics is no longer significant.

However, quite a few children do not experience a clinically meaningful decrease in tic intensity

Regretfully, at this stage, it is not known what predicts whether the tics are going to persist and whether they will become more severe, but there are data indicating that this is less likely to happen when starting earlier with the therapy.

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